Last updated at Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:15:21 GMT

Recently, Gartner surveyed security professionals and found that over 50% of the respondents were looking to consolidate their security tech stack. Why? These professionals recognized that security vendor consolidation is key to achieving their goals of improving productivity, visibility, and reporting as well as bridging staff resourcing gaps.

Additionally, 威胁行为者正在利用人工智能(AI)和机器学习工具发动更复杂的攻击, high-impact attacks. 防御人工智能辅助攻击需要更高的网络可见性和操作效率,更不用说大多数整合产品中的自动检测和响应能力. As the threat landscape evolves, 简化技术堆栈还可以改善组织的安全状况,防止经济损失. 这是一个重要的考虑因素,因为平均数据泄露的成本已经达到 $9.44 million in the U.S.  


While the benefits of consolidation are clear, 组织往往会错过一些迹象,即是时候巩固他们的技术堆栈了. 认识到这些迹象可以帮助您的组织确定最需要的领域,并制定无缝实施策略,最大限度地减少中断.

Four tell-tale signs it’s time to consolidate your security tools

Sign #1: You can’t track (or visualize) your tech stack

When was the last time you cataloged your resources? This may seem a little on the nose, 但是,判断您的组织是否需要整合的最佳方法之一是,您无法跟踪或可视化您的技术堆栈.

In 2021, IBM found that 45% of security teams 在调查和响应网络安全事件时使用了20多种工具. 这些工具会消耗您的预算,甚至可能带来安全风险. 过多的技术不太可能受到合规性监控,并且不必要地扩大了网络的攻击面.

技术堆栈的可见性与整个网络的可见性同样重要. 无法跟踪和可视化您的技术堆栈可能表明您的组织正在使用过时的工具, underutilized, or ignored.

Sign #2: Your mean time to resolve (MTTR) is high

Did you know it takes the average company a staggering 277 days to identify and contain a breach? 快速发现和解决漏洞是保护您的系统和数据的关键. 当您的MTTR很高时,它表明您的安全响应的操作效率低下.

与太多的供应商和工具合作可能会使确定威胁的优先级和响应变得困难. For example, if you’re working with redundant tools, event data from one tool may conflict with another, 您的团队被迫花费宝贵的时间来确认哪个数据集是正确的,然后才能对安全事件做出响应.

来自各种供应商的孤立工具是另一个常见的痛点. Even if you’re using “best of breed” tools, 多个供应商拼凑在一起的安全解决方案可能会产生问题. Tools from different vendors may not integrate well (if at all). Consequently, 当数据从一个工具转移到另一个工具时,您的团队可能会错过关键的警报,并在工作流中遇到故障.

Sign #3: Your processes are manual

如果您的团队浪费宝贵的时间手工调查误报, prioritizing risks, and drawing context from massive datasets, consolidation could be the solution. Manual investigation is also error-prone, 团队经常发现,重要的安全事件完全被忽略了,或者从漏洞中溜走,直到它们变得普遍, system-wide concerns. As a result, 您可能能够跟踪您的团队的提高MTTR率回到手动解决工作流程.

综合安全平台提供了关键的自动化功能,公司需要关闭技能和 staffing resource gaps, as well. 合并自动化可以简化并改进团队的工作流程, 确保您的团队能够更快地响应威胁并降低整个基础设施的总体风险——即使您的组织人员不足. Finally, 消除手工调查的负担可以提高团队的生产力, free up resources, and create space for senior staff to work on other projects.

Sign #4: Compliance is a struggle

如果您使用各种供应商和安全工具,遵从性可能会出现问题. 您可能会发现每个供应商的遵从性方法差别很大, 而且几乎不可能在整个网络中强制执行一致的合规标准.

如果您的组织努力保持其技术堆栈的可见性,则网络应用程序很难更新和安全. Also, 当您拥有冗余的工具时,在您的基础设施中收集数据以进行遵从性审计是非常复杂的, disagreement between the datasets, and no single source of truth.

Whether your organization is in a highly regulated industry or not, maintaining a compliant network is important. 维护合规网络的组织可以更快地解决与配置相关的漏洞, creating a baseline for security practices and IT operations.

遵循政府法规遵从性可以帮助您的组织增强其数据管理能力. There are also serious drawbacks to a non-compliant network. 根据你所在的行业,如果你的网络不符合规定,你可能需要支付巨额罚款. Additionally, non-compliant networks are less secure; they’re prone to configuration vulnerabilities and a host of other issues.

When it comes to consolidation, don’t ignore the signs

了解需要整合的技术堆栈的迹象可以为您的组织节省大量的时间, money, and frustration. 一些公司担心放弃“最好的”安全选项. 然而,整合越来越被认为比“最佳选择”更安全.”

For many organizations, the security advantage of narrowing your attack surface, automating processes, 简化数据远远超过了单独解决方案和多个供应商的单独好处. As the threat landscape evolves, 拥有一个能够提供安全支持以有效降低风险的流线型技术堆栈变得越来越重要.

Want to learn more about consolidation and where to get started? Check out our eBook, “The Case for Security Vendor Consolidation.”

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